A Change is Coming at Gale Banks Engineering
Taking a break in the Duramax Marine Twin Turbo development, and signing up to get even more insider news!
By John Espino
We’re going to take a break this week in the saga that is the Duramax Marine Twin Turbo development for a couple of reasons:
• First: the lead engineer on the project has been out on assignment all week doing strange and nefarious deeds (that we mustn’t speak about), and I wasn’t able to bug him for the “hard data”. It’s been great showing you all photos and letting you in on the development of the project, but like all folks (including myself) I’m sure you’re wondering “what the heck did it do anyways?” Since we want to share with you all just how cool this thing is I wanted to do it justice when I get to certain points, so prepare next week for some dyno charts and a nice summary.
• Second: There are a few things that are changing next week in how we’re going to be presenting our news to you. We’re going to try a BanksPower Insider E-Newsletter that will tease with snippets of stories, some old and some new, and links to blogs and videos. I’ll still be writing the FNN, but striving to get more motor goodness to you all.
So what can one expect when they get this first issue of the BanksPower E-Newsletter you might ask? Well, here’s what’s brewing:

Marine Twin Turbo Evolution: The results from the dyno tests. Nuff said.

Banks Blog: Sneak peaks into what’s going on at Banks (including spy photos of guys work’n on stuff).

Video Archive: Actually, it’s something we call BanksPower TV and it’s chocked full of some cool things that we’ve videoed over the years. I’ll also add links to other interesting automotive related videos you might find interesting.

Product Sneak Peak: We’re releasing a new Ram-Air, and you’ll know about it first. I might even throw up a whitepaper on the thing for the folks looking for all the facts.

Project Archive: You know… over the years we’ve done some pretty neat things, but just what went into making them come to life? Next week I’ll start on one of my favorites: the Sidewinder Dakota. Did it all go smoothly from the start? How did we come up the project? You’ll find out.

Secret Sales: Yeah, I had to stick that in there. Every week we’ll post a deal. The sales department is gunna hate me, but they don’t call me crazy for nothing. Let’s see what I can dig up.

Banks iQ: I have a few neat tricks and tips (switched that one on ya) that I’m going to let you in on. Heck, I might even shoot a video to show you as well.
Sounds good? I hope so, and for all of you who’d like to get your copy of the BanksPower Insider E-Newsletter sent right to your inbox just follow this link and sign up. Tell your friends while you’re at it. The more the merrier.