Rapid Response for Ford F-250
We catch up with Aaron Rodriguez, AKA ARod, creator of PowerStroke Tech Talk w/ARod, about getting a rapid response out of his Power Stroke. We see what he thinks of the Banks PedalMonster that he installed on his 2020 Ford 6.7L Power Stroke. Aaron shows just how easy it is to install the PedalMonster (one-handed no less!) and goes over the patented safety features that set it in a class far above the competition.

Once installed and connected to the iDash SuperGauge, Aaron sets up the PedalMonster and shows the difference between the levels before heading out on a test drive. Just testing it while still parked in the garage by blipping the throttle Aaron said, “Wow, that definitely takes out the pedal lag! That’s freak’n awesome!” Unlike other throttle boosters, PedalMonster’s throttle curves are non-linear as shown above. Banks electrical engineers worked hard to create custom throttle response curves that feel perfect at every sensitivity level and in every type of vehicle.

The final verdict? “This IS the coolest and easiest thing you can do to make YOUR experience seem that much faster when driving your 6.7 PSD. I could not believe it when I first hit the accelerator. I was giggling like a little kid, hahaha. The truck is completely different, TRUST ME!” Looks like the PedalMonster gave Aaron the rapid response he was looking for.