2021 GMC X31 3.0L Slow Poke No More
James Taylor was looking for a little more oomph from his truck and found that the PedalMonster was the answer. “I recently purchased the Pedal Monster for my 2021 GMC X31 3.0L. I originally had just two iDash gauges, with one set up so that I can keep a close eye on the turbocharger and the other is pretty much the vehicle’s temps. But I finally admitted that I needed something more because the 3.0L has terrible throttle delay. You could probably count to 3 or 4 before it decides to move! I was looking for something to clear that up, as well as kinda put push me back in my seat. The PedalMonster did that!”

“I must say I was completely amazed at the immediate difference I noticed in my truck. I have a woodworking business, and I pick up logs and various pieces of wood to take back to my shop. I do some trailering with heavier weights too. With all of that, it just makes the truck feels even more unresponsive. The PedalMonster makes the truck feel a thousand pounds lighter!”
The 2021 GMC X31 3.0L isn’t the only truck to get a boost from Banks. The PedalMonster and iDash are available for a wide array of vehicle makes and models.