Banks Insider News

23.6 MPG from a Truck that Runs 222 MPH!

Want More Power AND Better Gas Mileage? It’s Possible!

Banks Power’s Sidewinder Dakota, the world’s fastest pickup truck at 222 mph, achieved an impressive 23.6 mpg during the grueling Hot Rod Power Tour. This powerhouse proves you can upgrade your vehicle for increased performance without sacrificing fuel economy. The secret lies in optimized airflow, a key principle behind Banks’ products that deliver both power gains and efficiency improvements of 10-20% for many customers.

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High School Biodiesel Brain Power

Gabrielino High School’s Eco-Fuel Research Project: A Blueprint for Biodiesel Education

Tired of backyard biodiesel experiments that fall short? Gabrielino High School’s project stands out. Led by Technology Teacher Michael Winters, students are producing ASTM-standard biodiesel fuel in a controlled, educational setting. This initiative not only teaches about alternative fuels but also fosters a deeper understanding of energy efficiency and environmental impact. As these students graduate, we can expect a new generation of diesel experts to fuel the growing light-duty diesel market.

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The World’s First Road Racing Pickup Truck

How many of you know that Banks’ Race Shop is building a roadracing truck? Did you know that the truck is going to be diesel powered? That’s right! A diesel powered roadracing truck! And it will be twin-turbocharged!

What’s the big deal you say? Well, diesels have several advantages over gasoline. First is mileage. Diesels generally achieve 20-40% higher mileage than gasoline-powered equivalents. Improving mileage means less fuel stops in an endurance race. This is a huge advantage and one that can shave critical minutes off of a team’s total time.

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Running After the Ice Cream Man, or Picking up the Sidewinder

Remember when you were a kid and you heard that sound? You know, the sound that could motivate the dead to rise and you to drop whatever you were doing and run like hell screaming with whatever coins you could find clinched into your tiny hands? It was a melody that seemed to carry through the air even from miles away and could interrupt anything that was going on in your life at the time making you swing your head it the direction it was coming from. Yeah…

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Time Travel or Power Tour Epilogue

And so here is yet another late entry in my log of blogs. Let’s set the clock back… back… back… to June 8th…

… So this is my first time flying Southwest… and I have to tell you it ain’t bad. Oh, I’m sure that if it was packed like my flight to Milwaukee I would have much more to say. But hey, airlines don’t always smash as many folks as they can into a tiny plane like it was a dare or something like that… do they? The thing I thought was funny was that there are no assigned seats on Southwest, and it was every person for themselves. What a hoot it was to see everyone running to be first in line. I even got caught up in the rush. Hah… that little old lady never knew what hit her.

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What a Long, Strange Trip its Been

Throwing a bunch of guys together for a seven day, 1,700-mile tour is bound to have its ups and downs. This sign found in Joe’s Crab Shack in Kissimmee, Florida on the last day of Power Tour says it all. The merry bunch of Banks employees (and journalists) that traveled with us now share a common bond and many memories that will last a lifetime.

We did the ‘long haul’ with virtually no problems to speak of and the 2005 Hot rod Magazine Power Tour was a great success. It was an excellent way for Gale Banks Engineering to meet its customers and make new friends and champions for our current and future products.

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Bosch DCX Tech Fair or “Drive Sample Vehicles Like You Stole Them!”

Craving a vehicle that’s both eco-friendly and exhilarating? Imagine combining the power of a sports car with the fuel efficiency of a diesel. That’s the future of driving, and we’ve experienced it firsthand. From sleek European sedans to powerful diesel trucks, the latest automotive technology is redefining performance and sustainability. Discover how diesel engines are revolutionizing the driving experience and why it’s time to upgrade your ride.

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Banks Hot Rod Tour Crew

Hot Rod Magazine Power Tour: A Huge Success!

Experience the Power Tour: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Banks “Long Haul Gang”

Join us on a thrilling journey as we dive into the daily grind of the Banks “Long Haul Gang” during the Power Tour. From early morning wake-ups to late-night drives, discover the challenges and rewards of showcasing diesel power to the hot rod community. Witness the camaraderie, dedication, and passion that fueled our team as we made an unforgettable impact on the event.

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Air Travel Hell: Hot Rod Magazine Power Tour (Pre-Tour)

Upgrading your ride can turn a stressful journey into a smooth cruise. Avoid cramped legroom, unreliable shuttles, and noisy neighbors with a powerful, fuel-efficient vehicle. The Hot Rod Magazine Power Tour showcases tricked-out cars and trucks that are built for performance and comfort. Check back for more details on how to transform your car into a road warrior!

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