PedalMonster Put to the Test
“The lag is gone, and it’s only on CITY!” exclaims Percy Reynolds, as he tests a new PedalMonster for his YouTube channel. The 2023 Chevy Duramax owner then sets the PedelMonster midway output on the CITY mode. “Definitely more response. It’s instant, not like before when there was so much lag in the pedal. That lag is gone, and it’s only on CITY!” Percy already had the iDash SuperGauge installed in a Banks Stealth Pod mount, and a Derringer tuner for added power, but his reaction to the PedalMonster was sheer giddiness.

Skipping SPORT mode in favor of TRACK, he sets it to level 10, full tilt. “Wow, it’s almost like you have an extra 300 horsepower! I can’t even explain it. The throttle is instant. This is one of the best things that I’ve ever put on my truck!” With the recent addition of the PedalMonster, Percy has basically assembled his own Banks PowerPack of parts. Duruamax owners can purchase Banks parts for the 2020+ Duramax a la carte, or as a bundle to save money.