Sidewinder Jetta is Fresh From the Plastic Surgeon
The Sidewinder Jetta is now sporting some rather aggressive nose work and side skirting.

By John Espino
Of the many projects going on here at Banks this week there’s only really one that I can talk about without spilling some all important beans. See, there are thing that we just can’t talk about… yet, mind you. Since we’re an engineering house we do “actual” engineering here for some of our clients. You’ll get the scoop on those things when we are cleared to chat about them. Till then… all I can talk about now is the Sidewinder Jetta.
Fresh from the plastic surgeon, the Sidewinder Jetta sports some rather aggressive nose work and side skirting, all complements of Volkswagen of America. Some additional visual improvements will be coming our way, all accentuating the aggressive nature of the vehicle. Nope, this isn’t an appliance of an automobile anymore. Instead, it further demonstrates the sporty side of diesel. You know, the one where you can have fun, get great MPG and still feel good about yourself… enough to still hug a tree or two.
For those of you who are behind a little on this project vehicle and are thinking to themselves “hey, that’s not a truck!” do yourself a favor and get caught up by checking out the this Sidewinder Jetta link and this link too.
So what’s next for this mild-mannered, fuel sipping beast? Some more tuning and some more stuff under the hood. You’ll see.