Banks Gets Ranch Moving
All it takes is one great experience with a product to open the door for more from the manufacturer. A case in point is Daniel Edison’s experience with the PedalMonster that he installed on one of his trucks, which then started a cascade of Banks performance parts. “We installed the PedalMonster on our 2015 F-350 first and loved it! The PedalMonster takes away the dead spot. It reduces pedal pressure and travel. Driving is so much less tiresome on the foot and leg muscles! All of the trucks so are much more responsive which makes it seem like you have more power and torque.”

“We also put the Derringer tuner on the Ford and use it to pull a 30′ gooseneck stock trailer (over 26,000 lbs gross, including truck, trailer, and load). It’s so much easier than stripping off all of that emissions garbage. There’s no smoke, I get better mileage, and it has more horsepower and torque. All those benefits with no emission modifications. Why don’t the manufacturers do this? I tried the Derringer on level 6 while pulling the trailer. Fuel economy didn’t change, but the 6-speed automatic stayed in overdrive longer uphill and zipped (with the fully loaded stock trailer, no less) around the on-ramp-blocking semis. It’s easy to get to 72 mph+ with Banks’ help. That puts me either mid-pack or out front, free and clear of space-jockeying traffic.

The gross weight of the truck, trailer, and load, was 27,100 lbs. Empty weight is 14,200. An old rule of thumb for goosenecks is that the truck carries 30% of the trailer and 15% of the load. That implies about 2 tons carried on the one-ton pickup while pushing and pulling a combined 13.5 tons. This is the way the truck should perform! Thank you, Gale Banks!”