No smoke with fire
Smoke free, high efficiency diesel engines are Gale Banks Engineering’s specialty. We look at how the company progressed to become the undisputed leaders in the field.
The Leader in Diesel Performance
Smoke free, high efficiency diesel engines are Gale Banks Engineering’s specialty. We look at how the company progressed to become the undisputed leaders in the field.
Straight Talk With the Man Largely Identified as the Creator of the Diesel Aftermarket
Diesel Power Magazine takes a look inside the world’s quickest and fastest diesel pickup.
…The Banks Sidewinder Top Diesel Dragster. Raw Diesel Power! Long, sleek, and blindingly quick, today’s high-horsepower, rear-motored dragsters are the ultimate racing vehicles. They’re designed, and driven
Here’s a guy who’s done it all and done it well, and he has the records to prove it.
The Quickest & Fastest: 7.77 E.T. @ 180.00 mph. The Banks Sidewinder S-10 Duramax pickup was entered in the Top Diesel Class at the NHRDA World Finals on September 25-26, 2010 in Topeka, Kansas. Driver Wes Anderson clicked off a 7.77-second pass.
Enthusiasts understand that a dynamometer measures an engine’s output by gauging its torque, taking measurements from the flywheel (in the case of an engine dynamometer) or a
When Gale Banks decided to showcase one of his twin turbo Duramax diesel engines in a drag race vehicle, he wanted to start with a chassis combination