Author: Banks Power

Synthetic Diesel Fuel

We can’t make gold from straw, but thanks to the Fischer-Tropsch process, we can make diesel fuel from natural gas, and that may be even better! Much

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Diesel Fuel

A few things to know about diesel fuel and how if differs from gasoline. Ask people what they know about gasoline and most folks will tell you

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Cool Air Equals Power

Cool air is good for making power, but could hot air be even better? The Banks Super Scoop, as shown on this Ford V-10 gasoline engine, provides

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Propane & the Diesel

Another way to make power, but is it practical? Systems for injecting propane into turbo-diesels have been around for some time. The people that make and sell

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Why EGT is Important

Keeping an eye on exhaust gas temperature can save big money The exhaust gas temperature (EGT) pyrometer can be one of the most important gauges on a

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Understanding Today’s Diesel

An in-depth look at how the modern diesel compares to gasoline engines. Banks Project Sidewinder If you think diesel engines are noisy, smoky, slow and sluggish, then

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Why Diesels Make So Much Torque

For those used to gasoline engine torque numbers, diesel torque verges on the unbelievable. Most competitors at Bonneville aren’t street legal, and most arrive on a trailer.

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Diesel Evolution

What is a “modern” diesel, and is it really that much different? There’s a lot of talk these days about “modern” diesels, and how today’s diesels have

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