Turbo systems for 2007-11 Jeeps are almost here
What’s been one of biggest sellers for the 4.0L Wrangler is now coming for the 3.8L.
Hot on the heels of one of our hottest sellers–the Banks Sidewinder Turbo system for Jeep Wrangler 4.0L–is our much anticipated turbo system for the 3.8L Wranglers. Breathe new life into your Jeep with the complete bolt-on system, engineered for ultimate performance and rock crushing capability. It drastically improves low and mid-range torque which is ideal on-road and off-road. The system will transform your 2007-11 Wrangler into a pavement eating, rock crushing, trail running monster.
The numbers are in and they’re looking good–no, make that awesome. Here’s some data for you…
• Horsepower Best Gain: +73.4 HP @ 4900 RPM (+47.1%)
• Torque Best Gain: +80.3 lb-ft @ 4400 RPM (+44.2%)
• Horsepower Peak-to-Peak: Stock= 155.8 HP, Banks = 229.2 HP, Gain= +73.4 HP (+47.1%)
• Torque Peak-to-Peak: Stock= 186.4 lb-ft, Banks= 262.1 lb-ft, Gain= +75.7 lb-ft (+40.6%)
• 0-60 MPH Acceleration: Stock = 15.4 sec, Banks = 12.3 sec, Gain= -3.1 sec
The complete system includes all parts required for the installation including new fuel injectors, ECU calibration and intake modification. Note: The system shown above was from early on in development, so some of the components in the offical release version may vary slightly. We’ll get an image of the final version posted soon.
And how does our turbo system compare with a stroker kit? Glad you asked. The Banks Sidewinder Turbo is a simple installation compared to a stroker kit which would require complete engine removal, disassembly and reassembly. Taking all costs into account, the turbo offers a better horsepower per dollar value. Furthermore, a turbo will deliver altitude compensation by providing boosted air when ambient conditions are diminished. A stroker cannot offer this benefit.
First out of the gate will be our non-intercooled system (from which we got the test data above), followed shortly thereafter by a system with a charged air cooler included. Pre-orders begin in1-2 weeks. The first 50 people to order the turbo system will be eligible for an introductory price plus they’ll get a deal on installation. Are you going to be one of the lucky ones? Get more info or ask us a question about the turbo »
We made this video when our turbo for the 4.0L came out. We’ll be putting togther one for the 3.8L but you can check this one out now since the seat-of-the-pants experience would be very similar.
One of our beta testers, getting ready for some dyno runs above, and out for some glamour shots below.

For more information or to pre-order your turbo system,
just call 800-601-8072.