Monster-Ram Surprises Farmer

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Trevor on Ontario, Canada’s Kendor Farms posted a short video on his recent purchase of a Monster-Ram for their 2011 RAM 6.7L. But this video isn’t an installation, it’s more of a comparison. “They did very well with the instructions,” said Trevor. “They’re very easy to follow, so I’m going to do an install because, quite honestly, the install video that Banks did was step-by-step so that anyone could do it.”

Pulling both the stock intake and the Banks Monster-Ram aside to compare, it’s easy for Trevor to see the differences. Using his hand as a gauge, he measures the difference between the two intakes’ openings. “There is a pretty big difference in size. The stock one is basically a two-finger, and the Banks is a four-finger. One of the reasons I bought this kit was to get rid of the grid heater bolt. That little nut can break off, and that three-cent nut could cause ten thousand dollars’ worth of damage.”

After putting some miles on the truck, Trevor provides an update. He notes that both the throttle response is quicker and his fuel economy (to his surprise) has increased. “I’m super happy about that!” By eliminating restrictions in the intake system, the Monster-Ram increases air density. This increased air mass means Trevor can back out of the throttle and still make the same power. That’s fuel economy!