Don’t Ignore Warning Signs
We’ve showcased videos from both Josh of TrukStuf and Justin of JB Reviews here in the Banks Newsletter, but this time we have a two-parter that starts with one and continues with another. Both have spotlighted the Banks Monster-Ram and why it’s the most important upgrade a RAM Cummins owner can do for his truck. While these videos don’t feature the Monster-Ram itself (you can see more here on the Monster-Ram), it does show the reason why it’s needed—and why it’s important not to ignore a check engine light for air intake heater performance.

The truck with the wounded engine is a 2022 RAM with 43,000 miles. But the owner drove it nearly a month with the check engine light and a knocking noise. Josh, a Master Tech at a Utah RAM dealer, shows the damage and explains why it occurred. He goes over the fact that the damage could have been prevented by paying attention to the warning signs.

Justin then visits Josh at the RAM dealership and they talk about how the customer ignored the warning signs like a check engine light for 178 key cycles! Josh also shares important information about the solenoids and that are largely responsible for the problem, and what to look for in a replacement.
Full Video Transcript
0:00 if you own a 2007 to current Ram 6.7 L
0:03 cumin turbo diesel engine this video is
0:06 for you this small bolt can cost Ram
0:09 owners up to
0:11 $30,000 in engine
0:13 damage this is the grid heater Bolt from
0:16 a cing 6.7 L turbo diesel engine and if
0:19 it fails it falls into your intake
0:21 manifold and rolls downhill into your
0:24 cylinder at best it’ll get wedged into
0:26 your intake valve or Bounce Around the
0:28 cylinder damaging your piston cylinder
0:30 wall and head but at worst this bolt
0:33 could cause enough damage to require
0:35 total engine replacement we’ve seen this
0:38 bolt snap melt and even break off in our
0:41 hands we’ll show you exactly what causes
0:44 this problem how you can test the see if
0:46 your bolt is about to fail and what your
0:48 options are to prevent it here we can
0:50 see the factory intake heater otherwise
0:53 known as the grid heater from the 6.7 L
0:55 cummin and this is the culprit this stud
0:59 connects the 12vt lead to the grid
1:02 heater so it experiences both heat from
1:04 the grid heater and high electrical
1:07 current over time the stud corrodes
1:10 weakens and melts or if you own a ram
1:12 where the heater solenoid has failed or
1:15 stuck on this stud and Nut could melt
1:18 and fall off like a stalagtite from the
1:20 top of a cave oh I just broke it off
1:22 when it falls it rolls downhill
1:24 eventually finding its way into the
1:25 intake manifold and into cylinder number
1:28 six once thought to occur only in Rams
1:31 where the grid heater was heavily used
1:33 thanks to cold climates we now know that
1:36 this failure occurs all over the country
1:38 regardless of ambient conditions or
1:40 their amount of use failures have been
1:42 recorded in warm climates such as
1:44 California Arizona Texas New Mexico and
1:47 Florida can you imagine the people that
1:49 live in a cold environment where they’re
1:50 constantly using their grid heater and
1:52 putting it to work like this thing looks
1:54 brand new and it is and you can see the
1:56 damage that’s already been done and to
1:58 make matters worse the percentage of
1:59 trucks that succumb to this failure is
2:01 still unknown luckily there are a few
2:04 ways that you can catch this issue
2:05 before it happens as the grid heater
2:08 bolt deteriorates it loses its ability
2:11 to conduct current if you see a check
2:13 engine light check the code with a scan
2:15 tool or Banks ID Dash if the scan tool
2:18 returns a
2:19 p2609 or p0542 code this indicates
2:23 abnormal grid heater performance and the
2:26 grid heater is
2:27 malfunctioning the next step is a phys
2:29 physical inspection you can’t get to the
2:31 grid heater bolt without taking off the
2:33 intake elbow fuel lines and intake plate
2:36 but you can access the top of the grid
2:38 heater stud where the 12volt lead is
2:41 connected locate the 12volt lead and
2:44 give the cable a wiggle don’t touch the
2:46 metal stud with the batteries connected
2:48 as you could get shocked just wiggle the
2:51 cable if you feel any significant
2:53 movement this means that the nut that
2:55 was supposed to hold the stud on tightly
2:57 From Below has loosened and could be
3:00 hanging by a thread or worse it could
3:03 already have broken free do not start
3:06 your truck have the truck towed to your
3:08 local mechanic so who has the solution
3:12 am sure doesn’t even though this is a
3:14 major design flaw that has affected a
3:16 significant number of trucks Ram has not
3:18 issued a recall or service bulletin in
3:21 fact if you do try to get this fixed at
3:22 a Ram dealer not only will it cost you
3:25 around $3,000 in parts and labor but
3:27 they’ll replace the failing Parts with
3:29 the same ones that will eventually fail
3:31 again the smart coste effective solution
3:34 is to install a Banks monster ram when
3:37 we engineered the monster ram our goal
3:39 was to improve air flow power throttle
3:41 response and fuel economy the monster
3:44 ram does all these things and it also
3:46 fixes the grid heater bolt issue
3:49 permanently here’s how you see the stock
3:52 grid heater is a massive obstruction in
3:54 the path of air flow the monster ram
3:56 system replaces the stock grid heater
3:58 with a high flow Billet intake plate and
4:00 if you’re in a cold climate where you
4:02 need a heater for cold starts the
4:04 monster ram includes a coil heater
4:06 mounted vertically in the intake elbow
4:08 offering less restriction and eliminates
4:10 the chance of a bolt melting and
4:12 dropping into the engine best of all the
4:14 monster ram is 50 state emissions
4:16 compliant and it costs less to install
4:18 than an OEM replacement installation can
4:21 be performed at home with basic hand
4:23 tools or by any one of our hundreds of
4:26 authorized Banks installing dealers I’m
4:28 not a mechanic of any sort but grabbed a
4:30 buddy um had some beers and put this
4:33 thing together in a day you’ll save
4:34 money on the repair fix the actual
4:37 problem by replacing the faulty part and
4:39 gain power and fuel economy in the
4:41 process but you may be asking who is
4:44 Banks and how are they an authority on
4:46 engines since 1958 Gail Banks has
4:49 designed and manufactured high
4:51 performance engines and components for
4:53 consumers auto manufacturers and the
4:56 Department of Defense using cumin
4:58 engines Banks has set world speed
5:00 records and has powered some of the
5:02 Navy’s fastest boats today Banks is the
5:05 exclusive engine supplier for the US
5:08 Army’s joint light tactical vehicle
5:10 program just this year alone the company
5:12 has manufactured over 5,000 Banks d866
5:16 turbo diesel engines for the jltv
5:19 program these are those engines it’s
5:22 safe to say Banks knows engines join the
5:25 tens of thousands who have Protected
5:27 Their cummin engines with the bank 50
5:30 state emissions compliant monster ram
5:32 order yours today by calling 800 601
5:36 872 or find Us online at
5:40 hey shout out to Banks power thanks
5:43 again appreciate all the hard
5:49 work
Let’s face it, the grid heater bolt is the silent killer for 2007-24 RAMs. The way to prevent this failure, as Josh explains, is to completely remove the stock heater assembly and replace it with a Monster-Ram. Not only does it is the best way failure-proof your RAM, it improves throttle response and improve economy.