Monster-Ram to Save Engine
Bill Ruth installed the Banks Monster-Ram on his 2022 RAM to get away from the bolt problem he’s read so much about. Even though the truck has around 55,000 miles on it, he didn’t want to take any chances with his investment. “My first priority was to get away from the dreaded grid heater bolt failure,” explains Bill. “I was concerned because what I had read in various places said that it didn’t matter where you lived, cold or hot weather, it was bound to fail and cause severe engine damage. I wasn’t going to take any chances.”

“It actually added performance, which I wasn’t expecting. It doesn’t take as much effort to move the truck, and the idle is much smoother. I was also looking for better fuel economy, and right now I’m seeing about a mile more per gallon than I was before, which is a big deal in a truck like this. This is my first Banks product on the truck, but it won’t be the last. I’m thinking the next one will be a Ram-Air Intake.”