Fan Focus: Garrett Love
Garrett Love was a tried and true Cummins fan for 14 years, but when he wanted to trade in his 2012 with 156,000 miles Ram dealers didn’t want to work a deal. Feeling like he’d been excommunicated from the brand, he ended up at a local Chevy dealer who was more than happy to make him a deal he couldn’t refuse. “I’m pretty happy with making the switch so far,” explains Garrett. “I was all about having a Cummins, but the new Duramax with the Derringer installed, well, I’m extremely impressed with it. The Duramax just keeps pulling like a champ, and I never have to worry about the temperature.” Even though his Derringer keeps a watchful eye on all of the truck’s vitals through its OBD2 connection and constantly adjusts to give Garrett the most horsepower possible, he still can view all of the parameters that he wants to keep an eye on himself with the iDash SuperGauge. “This goes what beyond my old boost and pyrometer gauges in my old truck,” Garett laughed.

“The truck is towing something 90% of the time. I’m usually towing either a 24′ gooseneck, a toy hauler, transporting cattle or huge, heavy rolls of hay,” says Garrett of his new toy. “The truck with the Derringer holds the gear longer, gets up to speed faster, and just doesn’t get hot. You can pull hills and the temperature never moves, and that’s hauling over 25,000 pounds! I’m very happy.”