Category: Banks Power

How An Exhaust Brake Works

Why exhaust brakes are so effective on diesel-powered vehicles. Diesel engines control engine speed and power output by throttling the amount of fuel injected into the engine.

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The Biodiesel Alternative

An alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuel that can be made from renewable resources. In the search for renewable fuel sources that also are environmentally friendly, biodiesel fuel

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Synthetic Diesel Fuel

We can’t make gold from straw, but thanks to the Fischer-Tropsch process, we can make diesel fuel from natural gas, and that may be even better! Much

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Diesel Fuel

A few things to know about diesel fuel and how if differs from gasoline. Ask people what they know about gasoline and most folks will tell you

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Cool Air Equals Power

Cool air is good for making power, but could hot air be even better? The Banks Super Scoop, as shown on this Ford V-10 gasoline engine, provides

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Propane & the Diesel

Another way to make power, but is it practical? Systems for injecting propane into turbo-diesels have been around for some time. The people that make and sell

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Why EGT is Important

Keeping an eye on exhaust gas temperature can save big money The exhaust gas temperature (EGT) pyrometer can be one of the most important gauges on a

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Understanding Today’s Diesel

An in-depth look at how the modern diesel compares to gasoline engines. Banks Project Sidewinder If you think diesel engines are noisy, smoky, slow and sluggish, then

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