Bronco Gets More Giddy Up
In a recent video, Dmaxryno and his pal Zach installed a PedalMonster and iDash in his 2021 Bronco project vehicle. He’s familiar with competitors’ throttle boosters and the trouble codes and problems they can produce. “Banks is supposed to have built a full-proof version,” Zach quickly points out. “Banks has all kinds of fail-safes that don’t allow that to happen.”
After Zach installs the PedalMonster, he runs the wiring for the iDash and finishes up the clean installation. Next Zach sets up the iDash and the two go over the many iDash parameters available. With the PedalMonster set to TRACK mode, they head out to see just what the Bronco will do. “If you barely tap it she wants to go! I’m a fan… I’m a big fan!”
Check out the video, and look for DMAXRYNO’s reveal of the Bronco’s future build.