No more flat spot for Camry’s acceleration
It doesn’t make any difference whether you drive a car or a truck, most newer vehicles have the same problem. Their drive-by-wire systems are programmed to make them sluggish off the line. Jacques’ Toyota Camry TRD was no exception. “The reason I went with a throttle enhancement is that the guy that did the ceramic coating on my car recommended one to remove this terrible flat spot. I told him that I’d never had a car with this much pedal delay. He recommended Pedal Commander, but I decided to do my own research. I ran across Gale Banks’ video where he showed how he designed the PedalMonster, and how he isn’t sucking power from the low-overhead pedal circuit. I was an electrical engineer for over 30 years and it makes sense. The fact that he tested everyone’s throttle booster and showed the problem in real-time sealed the deal for me.”

Rather than having it under the dash like most of the PedalMonster installs, Jacques decided to go covert. “The Camry has a panel on the left side of the dash that can snap off,” he explains. “I put the PedalMonster inside and coiled up the cable. I run the Banks app on my phone and can adjust the power levels whenever I want. And it does what it’s supposed to do. It removed that damned flat spot. The car is now a complete joy to drive.”