Fastest 1/5 mile pickup truck!
Friend of Banks Power and former Pike’s Peak record holder Scott Birdsall invited us to the Shift S3ctor Airstrip Attack event to shakedown his newest land speed project. What was one of the shop’s parts runner and trash truck is now a 1,200 hp 2JZ-GTE powered 1991 Toyota Hilux. The truck is purpose-built to break the Modified Mini Pick-up record on the Utah salt flats, but today, Scott is going for a different record, his own. Old Smokey, Scott’s Cummins-powered 1949 Ford F1 Pike’s Peak Hill Climb truck, happens to hold the ½ mile pick-up truck speed record at 167mph. Can Scott break his old record? Watch the video to find out.
Scott’s Hilux is equipped with 3 Banks iDash DataMonsters, pressure and temperature sensors throughout his intake system, and a Banks AirMouse on-board weather station for accurate ambient readings. Data from these sensors and Scott’s ECU are logged in real-time on the iDash, so he knows exactly what’s going in the truck.

The Banks iDash is the plug-and-play way to get more data from any newer vehicle. But if you’ve got an older vehicle with no OBD or a custom build, you can still take advantage of the iDash’s capabilities with our powerful suite of sensors and modules. Not only can the iDash display and log data from any sensor you plug into it, but it can also combine those readings to give you calculated values no other gauge can. These sensors can also work with data from OBD-II and even aftermarket ECUs.