Dave Welch’s 2017 GMC Denali
Dave Welch first experienced Banks products after an unfortunate mishap with his then stock 2017 GMC Denali 3500 with the Duramax. “My completely stock exhaust melted the fiberglass front corner of my trailer on its maiden voyage! I bought the truck in late-May,” Dave recalls, “hitched up my trailer and drove straight to Lone Pine without stopping. When we stopped I couldn’t believe that the passenger-side corner of the trailer was melted!” Unfortunately for Dave and his trailer were a victim of a design flaw where the angle of the exhaust pipe added with the DPF’s (Diesel Particulate Filter) regen cycle created a blowtorch of hot exhaust gasses that were pointed directly at that corner.

After a conversation with Gale during a visit to the Banks facility he was asked if Banks Power could borrow his truck to fabricate the 5” Monster Exhaust, which is designed to eliminate that after burner problem. Dave became a believer after that saying not only did it solve his problem, but he could feel a performance gain as well.

Dave’s next Banks product was the iDash SuperGauge, which Dave says saved him a lot of money just by having it in his truck.
“I had gotten the iDash to monitor things, but this actually told me there was a problem when there wasn’t any indication of one! When I started my truck up the iDash popped up a warning that the batteries were low. I noticed that when I let the truck sit for a couple of days and I for instance went to the store, when I got back inside the iDash would warn me. There was nothing that would have told me that there was anything wrong with the batteries, but the iDash said ‘Battery!’ I was actually a month away from the warranty being out then I took it to the dealer to check it, they did a load test of both batteries and they both failed the test. They were draining and wouldn’t recover fast enough. Those Batteries are a few hundred each, and had it not been for the iDash I would have had to replace them after my warranty expired let alone the fact that I would have eventually needed a tow.” The dealer swapped out the batteries for new ones under warranty with nothing out of pocket from Dave who now swears by the iDash and its monitoring abilities.