Cummins Engine Escapes Death
Full Video Transcript
00:01 looks like on a Cummins so this is the nut that typically falls off but this one is actually tight what we did find is this oh hello it melted off right there we had a point of high resistance and it actually melted off there but this is it so the this could be the engine
00:20 Destroyer or that one can be the engine Destroyer but this is it this is the intake grid heater on a Cummins epic jump
Although we don’t know the year of the truck, hillbillyhicktowngarage5293 treats us with a short video showing a broken heater grid post and the two points that usually fail. These areas plague all 2007.5-2024 Rams, creating a time bomb that can damage your $20,000 Cummins engine.

Not only does the Banks Monster-Ram eliminate the factory heater grid and its twin failure points with the Banks High Flow Billet Intake Plate, but the intake is engineered to improve airflow from the intercooler. It flows 72.7 lbs/min compared to the stock’s 38.6 lbs/min MAF. That is a huge 88.3% improvement over stock. You can feel the improvement in throttle response! This proprietary design raises boost without increasing back-pressure at the turbine.

The Monster-Ram improves engine response and efficiency, adds headroom for daily driving and heavy hauling—and will save your engine from the Grim Reaper.