Banks Improves a 472 hp Lexus IS500
Jim had a 2008 Porsche 911 turbo before purchasing his 2023 Lexus IS500, and that car moved! His new car has around the same power as the Porsche, but it just didn’t provide the same thrill. While the IS500 has impressive horsepower (472 hp), it just seemed muted, and sluggish. “You could put it into SPORT mode and it would give you little bursts here and there that would remind you that it had power, but on a consistent basis, it was just slow. I talked to a few people about it and looked online for anything that could help. One of the first things I came across was the Pedal Commander, but the OBD power supply and adjustable speed trim led me to purchase the Banks PedalMonster. I’ve been using it for about 2 months, and it’s nothing short of amazing! The power I get off the line as well as in traffic is what I was hoping for when I bought the car. Installation was simple, the phone app is convenient, and everything performs flawlessly. It made a HUGE difference!”

Jim couldn’t keep his newfound acceleration a secret and told 5 of his friends—all of which bought a PedalMonster for themselves. “One of my friends has a new C8 Corvette, and he was blown away at the difference!” Unfortunately, Jim hasn’t been able to enjoy his newfound power for very long as a confused driver sideswiped his Lexus. “It’ll be a while before I get it out of the shop. I may have only had it for a few months before I was hit, but man was it fun! The PedalMonster was always set on TRACK, level 3, and I use the trim feature so that the power comes in buttery smooth. When I gave it to the body shop, I turned the PedalMonster back to stock, and I had forgotten just how sluggish the car was without it!”