Pedal Commander is Dangerous
“Well, after all the warnings I’ve seen here, my Pedal Commander died on me in the worst situation,” explains SkyHawk42 on a popular 5th Gen RAM forum. “Driving on the highway in a construction zone during rush hour with no shoulder to stop on. Every light on the dash came on, and I lost all throttle response. I didn’t know what was happening. I put on the 4-ways, stopped, shut off the truck, and restarted it. I thought I was in the clear until I got another check engine light half a mile down the road. The cluster said service electronic throttle. That’s when I realized it was the Pedal Commander. I was on the highway with cars honking and swerving around me, trying to unplug this stupid thing. Once I did, I was able to drive home without issue. I cleared the code and all seems to be good. I wish I had taken everyone’s warning about this thing, so I’ll just put it out there for others—when it worked, it was fun; when it didn’t, it turned into a pretty dangerous situation.”

“I bought the Banks PedalMonster and iDash for the following reasons, responded another forum member, Ray (aka Go-Ram). “Gale Banks insists on rock-solid engineering from his team, no excuses whatsoever, and everything is decided by rigorous testing and performance data, not on any individual’s preferences or whims. Banks stuff is all made in the USA, even the PC boards. Banks PedalMonster is fail-safe. I’m not associated with Banks,” Ray continues. “I don’t have any financial interest in them. I just appreciate their dedication to hard-core engineering, product quality, and the fact that their stuff is all made in USA. Anybody who doesn’t buy tuners and throttle controllers from Banks needs to have their head examined.” — Ray