F-150 5.0L Family-Hauler Gets PedalMonster
Ryan Swanstrom, Accessories Specialist at Jim Click Ford’s Jim Click Customs, was recently forced to let his beloved 2024 Bronco go. It was a loss because he liked taking it rock crawling, but its replacement more than makes up for it. “The family is growing,” said Ryan, “kids are getting bigger, there’s a baby on the way, and with my height of 6’ 9”—there just isn’t enough room in there. So, I traded in the Bronco for a 2024 F-150 5.0L. I wanted a Mustang, but this is my ‘Dadstang.’ It has more legroom for me with the chair all the way back. The Brocno had the 2.7L twin-turbo engine, and it’s not made to be fast by any means, but with the PedalMonster,it was a little speed demon. I used to drive it on full tilt mode, TRACK level 10. I got used to barely tapping on the throttle with my size 16 shoe, which really helped me when I would set back to stock when rock crawling. It gave me a new sense of throttle control. It made me a better rock crawler. Now, I had done a considerable amount of upgrades on that Bronco, but the only part that I kept was the PedalMonster.”

“Over at the dealership, we’re always putting PedalMonsters on the turbocharged trucks, SUVs, and a few Mustangs, but never really a V8 gas truck. That changed when we put one on one of the finance guy’s 2018 Nissan Titan, and then the parts guy’s 2020 Toyota Tundra. They couldn’t believe the difference and they each had a grin from ear to ear. That throttle lag that plagued their trucks is gone. I installed the PedalMonster from the Bronco in the new truck, and WOW! It’s our first Coyote truck install, and it’s incredible. I still run the PedalMonster at TRACK level 10, and it cooks! It’s a full-on performance machine that fits my family. Of course, I’m considering lowering and doing a few more mods. Watching the horsepower and torque on the iDash DataMonster is also a lot a fun. I’ll tell you, letting customers take it out for a drive is an automatic sale. I think that the PedalMonster is the best $295 you can spend on your car.”