Derringer = Power and Economy
Pedro Villafane, an aviation expert in Oklahoma, has a 100-mile commute. Pedro wanted a little more pep for his daily driver, a 2020 Duramax 2500HD. But what he didn’t expect was an improvement in fuel economy. “In aviation, you do something that’s called ‘fuel consumption checks.’ You want to know what exactly is in your tank when flying. You want to know if you can reach your destination because there’s nowhere to pull over, and you can’t park on a cloud. I’m always doing my consumption checks because they are also a health indicator, letting you know if the engine is degraded. I’m pretty vigilant about doing that on my truck. When I put the Derringer on my truck, I could see from my calculations that it improved my economy. My commute is a perfect test because it’s the same every day.

Recently, I compared runs made at the same ambient temperature and same weather conditions, driving at 70 mph. I have oversized tires, which I take into consideration. Running The Derringer on Level 3, I was averaging +2 MPG more than I did stock, CONSISTENTLY! And another bonus is that the Derringer has stretched out the miles between regens. Derringer is the only aftermarket performance part I’ve put on my truck so far. Banks is doing something right!”