Bad Design Contaminates Oil Changes
Full Video Transcript
00:00 all right guys we got the banks oil pan behind me right here uh so we’re going to be installing this today on my Duramax my 2022 Duramax and um again you’re going to see a lot of like how to do this stuff here so we’re not going to do crazy like a how-to video and go
00:14 through a bunch of steps but I do want to show you what’s coming in the Box you’re going to get everything that you need this is going to help remove all the excess um what do they call this stuff the RTV um on your stock pan so it’s going to take some time but this will help fin
00:30 get that get that whole thing off and then we got all new hardware here uh for the oil um drain right here we got that for the side of the oil pan and um I don’t even know what that is yet but I’m sure we’ll know right away so anyways we’re going to dive into it this is a
00:47 really nice finish uh there is other ones on the market that you guys have seen but they are nothing like this in the banks and even the way that this is constructed um I’ll go over that in a little bit too um when we have it underneath the truck but this is constructed out of a different
01:03 material and um and everything and the whole process of how they make it is a little bit more expensive and it’s just a nicer clean finish it’s very consistent all throughout um so yeah let’s dive into this I’m really excited to get this thing on at the time of filming this video the one for the 2020
01:23 and newer trucks um the transmission one is not available so pretty pretty excited to do this cool thing is my truck has a lift on it a lift kit so when we throw this on there it’ll be a little bit different than their video which I think is a good thing cuz we don’t need 50 install
01:41 videos uh out there but mind having a lift kit in the different cross members and stuff I can help tell you if this is going to make it a little easier or harder or maybe it’s the same process uh in getting that oil pan on I know that it’s pretty close to the differential
01:55 and stuff up there um so yeah let’s do it hang in there with me it’s like 11 12:00 at night been working on the truck but I really wanted to do this project and I’ve been super excited to do this um so we’re going to dive into this right here so we’re making some progress you
02:14 can see we’re using some screwdriver some of the tools or the tool that’s included from Banks um so far we’re kind of having to use a couple different things depending on what area we’re in cuz this isn’t very long and it’s hard to get a hammer in there but uh it’s been pretty helpful I’m glad that
02:32 they did include that um but you’re going to definitely need in our opinion some other tools until maybe we see a install video from Banks but at the time there is nothing so we got this front part kind of loosened up we’re going to get to the other side of the back and
02:48 hopefully this guy drops down um wow they weren’t joking so we kind of mangled this thing getting it out but it only take us a couple minutes and um you can just see there’s a ton of oil that’s a lot man I feel like I’m just looking at a gallon right there and uh I feel like that’s
03:14 definitely more than a qut for sure that is that’s a ton of oil and we even got some up there on the top and this is when I fully drained it you can see the drain plug right there that’s a trip they were not joking but anyways we pulled the sensor and stuff this is not all like part of the
03:37 instructions at all but us having this crossmember here we were not able to drop past the sensor to pull the pan out so and we didn’t want to remove this so we just remove these two bolts and then these two bolts that are in here which they’re all sitting right here um and
03:54 just use a little ratchet wrench so we’re going to get all this cleaned off um and then redo the process to put it all back on but overall it’s it’s been really easy so far a big thing is just kind of making a little bit of a mess and that’s just super concerning and that’s that’s
04:14 really disappointing when it comes to doing your oil change man like you’re putting brand new oil in and then you have all of this is just completely black so definitely a huge selling point on the banks I believe you can tell right here where the oil pan is at it’s not
04:40 raised or anything it’s all going to go straight out that drain and then right here it’s in this weird spot where it also doesn’t it’s not at the bottom and it also has this lip to it you know for added strength obviously and the way they designed this totally going to get made fun of for
04:59 this so these are our me measur in devices these are uh Banks beakers painted Banks red um so now you can see we have those two full and then we got you know like minimal residual in here so these could literally be completely topped off all right so we did some math here um
05:33 each one of these Banks uh cups and they partnered with like VES and and Walmart and uh dude like Target you can buy these Banks cups anywhere um these are 16 wait 16 o each so that makes it 32 oz and uh 32 o is one qu so since that’s one qu um yeah I think they’re pretty much
06:03 spoton with what they said I thought that was more for some reason but you’re literally left with a court of dirty oil every time you do your oil change so I’m pretty excited to get the new one on there um yeah so had to do a little bit of math to figure out what uh these cups
06:25 are and obviously they’re Solo cups guys but um it’s funny that they’re red and um these are 16 oz and I just wanted something to measure cuz I don’t have any beers or anything here right now so kind of cool got those measured got that guy off cleaning up so we can get the
06:44 new Banks one on we’ll get some of this 1540 from uh Hot Shot secret um they got some of the best oil for this truck at least in this application um so I’m going to go ahead and do that then go find uh that AC Delco filter I have somewhere I’m not even really sure where I have it at so
07:03 but anyways get this whole thing done so we have like one of the best oil changes not only we using the best oil for my application but I get to start completely fresh uh for this oil change so I’m super excited for that so thanks for hanging in there with me let’s uh jump to the next
07:23 part we just wanted to make sure we had some extra room so we just removed the crossmember for the uh for the lift it’s going to wipe everything down and again just wanted a nice clean easy install so we just took the uh couple bolts out right here and then dropped the subframe
07:46 bracket um getting the stock one out was not really a big deal with that bracket but since the banks one is bigger and deeper um we just went ahead and removed it so getting into that next spot now we’ve kind of cleaned up with a razor blade as best as we could out and around on
08:02 the edges and we’re going to jump into that next next part pretty quick here finally kind of got everything together and um we’re about to drop the uh the truck down so that way we can start filling up the oil this is pretty much the last you’re going to see of the
08:20 banks oil pan at least with me standing underneath the truck and then we’ll try to see if it’s visible at all from the outside when uh it’s all done but that’s all it right here guys all right guys here so check it out I got the uh got the truck behind me it’s a couple months later um never got
08:41 to like actually take the moment to like finish the video I get so scatterbrained when I’m filming um I have so many incomplete videos so here we’re going to finish this one up and I want to show you guys what it looks like okay so I’m going to lay down on the ground here and
08:55 boom so um you I mean you can’t see it unless you crawl under the truck but what a cool setup um we’re doing some different stuff to the skid plates on this truck right now so keep that in mind I took my Cognito skid plate off and I actually have another one in the box that had just
09:16 showed up so that’s pretty cool let’s go take a look at the front and give you guys a little sneak peek is something I’m working on too let’s see here yeah so you can see it uh up in there I’ll give you guys a little glance of uh what’s prototype going on right here but
09:34 I am I am making a fox steering stabilizer bracket for these trucks and this one’s not it needs a little couple little tweaks um cuz I want it perfect and uh it’s taking me a really long time but that is fully functional and technically I could mass-produce that
09:54 with the stabilizer and it would work just fine for you guys but I want to I want to fix the geometry a little bit and make some tweaks first so um when I’ve been telling you guys I’m working on it it’s on this truck and it does make a big difference but nonetheless
10:09 the oil pan I mean so I was trying to tell you guys it does not hang down past anything on the truck um but it does hang down enough that the air is going to be coming through those fins and everything and cooling it down I did appreciate the more capacity that it has obviously I
10:28 haven’t been able to do an oil change yet but it’s going to get rid of all or way more of that oil than um than you you know you did with the factory pan so overall just a huge upgrade and I can’t wait till they get the transmission pans ready I think they’re pretty close at
10:43 the timing of me filming this part and then obviously I think I mentioned in the video a couple months back they were maybe targeting for like Christmas but it’s really hard to say uh so many moving Parts with that stuff so you know probably stick to our website and and
10:56 the bank’s website for the latest updates on the transpan but I’ll definitely be doing that when that time comes too so that’s all I got for you guys I’ll see you on the next one appreciate it subscribe comment down below let me know what else you got to you want you guys want to see me working
11:10 on um and uh talking about you know so but you guys subscribing to the channel um there’s still all those analytics out there show me that like 90% 95% of you guys are not subscribing um so do it please cuz that’s what motivate motivates me to do more of these and um
11:28 and yeah you I just keep it with you guys I really like that upgrade and and I think you guys will too so no leaks no issues um and again I’ve had it for a couple months and gotten to tow with it and everything and you know it’s awesome and it matches my diff cover love that thing down there I think
11:45 is pretty sweet so see you guys
Nick Scovel watched our Cool Runner Oil Pan video and was stunned when Banks engineer Erik Reider discovered 2 quarts of dirty oil trapped in the Duramax pan after a drain. He couldn’t believe that GM would engineer the pan to retain dirty oil. He had to see it for himself. And as a Banks authorized installer, he likes to speak from experience. So, he ordered a Cool Runner Oil Pan and removed the stock unit from his 2022 Chevy 3500 Duramax.

“They weren’t kidding in their video about the oil pan!” Nick says with a laugh. “That’s really disappointing when it comes to doing your oil change. You’re putting brand new oil in, and then you have completely black left-over oil in the pan.” After pouring the leftover oil that’s in the pan, filling up two 16 ounce cups, and doing a little math, the outcome was that Banks was not exaggerating. “You’re literally left with a quart of dirty oil every time you do your oil change! With the Banks pan, you’ll drain every last drop because the magnetic plug is at the lowest point.” Seeing is believing. You can bet Nick will be offering the Cool Runner Oil Pan to his Duramax-driving customers.