2019+ RAM 6.7L Intercooler R&D

The list of products that Banks’ Mechanical and Electrical Engineering team wants to conquer is a mile long. But the 2019+ RAM 6.7L Cummins has several product opportunities that top the list. And, at the top of that list is the intercooler. Earlier this week, engineers were busy applying reflective reference markers and using the 3D scanner to digitize every inch of the front clip of the truck as well as the stock intercooler. Solid modeling is used extensively in the development process to enable high-fidelity visualization of what the finished product will be, evaluate assembly process and fitment, and feed simulation tools the necessary data.

With the stock intercooler scanned it’s going to the flowbench next for fingerprinting so that we know everything about it. All temp, pressure, and flow data will be recorded and used as a baseline. How much air density does the stock unit produce and what improvements are possible in the given space? The team will soon find out.