Banks Cleans Up!
Banks Power is once again sponsoring the hugely successful Calico Clean-Up in California’s High Desert, this year set for Feb. 16. Join with hundreds of other off-road enthusiasts for a day of good, clean fun!

Banks Power Backs Annual California High Desert Calico Clean-Up.
Second Annual Event Expected to Draw Largest Volunteer ‘Army’ Ever!
Gale Banks Engineering has once again teamed up with a large group of active, caring off-road enthusiasts to help clean up portions of California’s High Desert region.
On Feb. 16, 2008, more than 700 volunteers representing 25 different off-road clubs will fan out over a 100-square-mile area near historic Calico Ghost Town off I-15 in Yermo.
“We’ve got a whole army of volunteers lined up for this event,” said one of the event’s organizers, Alan Draper. “Hey, who would have ever thought that a clean-up would be so much fun? The day has already become a social event as well as a good thing for the environment. Everyone who got involved last time came away with a great feeling of participation and accomplishment, and they’re coming back for more again this year.”
As a primary sponsor of the Calico Clean-Up, Banks Power has long encouraged off-road enthusiasts to participate.

“Those of us who appreciate the beauty of the California desert are often frustrated by the trash left by uncaring individuals,” said Draper, a Banks Power employee and an avid off-roader. “By supporting this event, the company that I work for demonstrates that it truly cares about the open land that so many of its customers enjoy.”
For more information or to register: