UNBOXING Holley Billet Fuel Pumps

Unboxing Holley billet aluminum fuel pumps, pressure regulator, and fuel filter. At Banks, we have a problem in Dyno Cell 1. Our fuel supply from our outside fuel shed does not have sufficient lift pump pressure. We need to get this resolved, so Gale calls his buddies at Holley.

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After going over the requirements, they sent a beautiful billet pump. These pumps run constantly, so a great regulator is needed. Well, Holley sent one that gets the job done and then some. The last thing is really fine filtration. Filtering at 10 microns is reasonably good for diesel injectors, but they sent an in-line setup that goes down to seven microns and can take a lot of pressure with ease. The fuel requirement will be easily met with this setup! It could power your hometown.

Comparing the Holley Pump system to the existing setup.

Gale plans on using both dyno cells for testing gas and diesel engines, and the Holley pumps can handle both. Be sure to subscribe to find out how it all works out once it’s installed in the dyno cells.

On the next episode, Gale will be Unboxing a 2020 Duramax Oil Cooler, the heart of the new Banks Upgrade Kit for 2001-2019 Duramax engines is now available! Kit No. 13252. It’s not every day that Gale gets to unbox his own product, so it’s an especially Christmas-like day!