Supercharging our Duramax | BANKS BUILT Ep 21
We’re supercharging our Duramax for LokJaw. Erik, our prototype engineer introduces Matt Gamble, Bank’s newest team member. Matt heads up our turn-key engine program’s design and test group. Two areas that Matt is addressing early in the engine development stages are the supercharger and intercooler, both of which will be bespoke to Banks.
Whipple Superchargers will manufacture various custom parts, including a dual front inlet, while Matt and the Engineering team are busy designing the intercooler. Watch as the guys explain the design process and packaging challenges while supercharging the Duramax. Banks has a long history of excellence in intercooler systems.

This episode takes place in September. We’re trying to unveil this project at the SEMA Show in November. There’s a long list of things needed before then. Tune in every week to find out if we finish in time for the big reveal. The team will be supercharging their productivity to get this done!
Next, Erik and Matt drop the cab of our ’66 Chevy C20 pickup onto the new Roadster Shop chassis, they’re joined by Gale who maps out the high-flow intake system using technology from Banks’ GMC Type-R road race truck. We’ll be back in two weeks with more episodes.