SpeedVision TV Guest Star Gale Banks
Gale recently joined Overhaulin’s Chris Jacobs and his long-time buddy, actor/car enthusiast Greg Grunberg, for an episode of the new SpeedVision series, Zero-60. The three share a few laughs as Gale takes them for a walk down memory lane including a story about his first hot rod, a car his father purchased for $35. With 12 episodes shot to date, the new show airs on SpeedVision’s network of streaming platforms including Amazon Prime. Watch a teaser clip here.

SpeedVision is available on Freevee.
About Zero to 60 on SpeedVision
Host/car guru Chris Jacobs and his long-time buddy, actor/car enthusiast Greg Grunberg, are searching for what it means to be a car guy! On Zero to 60, Chris and Greg sit down with some of the most influential figures in the automotive and entertainment space to rev up hilarious conversations about all things cars, from vintage American muscle to cutting-edge Euro racers.
Whether you can rebuild an engine block or can’t find the gas cap, you’re going to laugh hearing car stories, cry through the breakdowns, and learn a lot along the way! Buckle up, this is Zero to 60!