Category: Project Master Page

So did they win? When we last left our heroes…

It’s been a while (again), but here’s my latest entry. I’ve got about four more in the can, only it’s just that they’re only half done each. Since the last time I wrote I’ve been to pulled over, went to visit a guy we’re selling engines to, went on vacation, went to Indy for the big race, and met with GM a few times. Although those “adventures” are something to write about… I bet your wondering how we did with the truck this weekend?

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Dyno Tuning the S-10

Enthusiasts understand that a dynamometer measures an engine’s output by gauging its torque, taking measurements from the flywheel (in the case of an engine dynamometer) or a

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Sidewinder Type-R: Ready to Race! or Ready to Race?

Some of you might know (and most of you didn’t have a clue) that we actually went out and put some miles on our little red pick-up a couple of weeks ago. “What, you went out and raced without telling me?” you say. Well, the answer is “yes”, I guess. We didn’t really want to make it a big production since she was going into combat for the first time, and in all reality we are still in the testing phase of this grand experiment. I mean we all like being in the spotlight, but who wants to get burnt? I’d kind of say it was like being a great singer and going to a Karaoke contest at a local club, rather than going on American Idol and bombing out on national TV while getting crushed by Simon (not that I ever watch the show… I hear things about it. Really).

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