Toys For Trucks
Toys For Trucks (TFT) was established in 1985, but James Haskins has owned and operated the business for the past 25 years. TFT services Hesperia, Victorville, Apple Valley, and all points in between including service contracts with the local military base.
James started working at Toys For Trucks when he graduated high school and has made the store his life putting his own blood, sweat and tears into the business. He has seen TFT change in big ways over the years and has been a huge part of its growth through the good times and recessions. The original business model was focused more on dealership support. Back then TFT was a small retail store and shop at about 1,500 square foot with a single bay and lift for repairs and installs. Added to that was a mobile route with their shop truck to local dealers.
The business was hit exceptionally hard during the recession as a lot of the local and surrounding dealerships were shut down. When GM and Chrysler went bankrupt and Ford was doing its best to stop the hemorrhaging, everyone connected to the brands felt the pain. Because TFT operated with these dealerships on an open account basis, each of the ten dealerships that closed owed the company anywhere between $2,000 to $8,000 dollars. TFT was left with a tremendous deficit and a bleak future.

As dark as the future looked from that point James had made substantial changes to TFT in the good times, growing the businesses location size to include two facilities with a total of 10,000 square feet, five bays and two outside racks for overflow. “We were lucky to build and expand when we did!” says James. “Back in ’06 I designed and built the new facility with some room to grow into. We had the business need for it at the time, as people were cashing-out their houses to get themselves the big trucks with all the upgrades including huge lift kits and wheels. Looking back at everything we would never be able to do that today.” TFT made a full recovery by moving to where the money was and being smart about things.
Not only does TFT specialize in truck and Jeep performance and suspension upgrades, but they are more than capable of handling routine vehicle maintenance and repairs. James takes pride in the fact that TFT has the right equipment and the right personnel to fully handle any customer’s needs.
Toys For Trucks
11352 Hesperia Road, Unit A Hesperia, Ca 92345
(855) TFT-LIFT