Keep Your MAP Sensor Clean

All modern Diesel engines have a Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor. Your vehicle’s engine control module (ECM) relies on pressure data (and, in some cases, temperature) collected from this sensor to calculate the proper air-fuel ratio and injection timing.

MAP sensor on a diesel engine

Here’s the problem. The sensor sits in the middle of the oily, recirculated exhaust stream. As it gets caked in sticky oil and soot, its measurements become inaccurate, and you end up with reduced power and fuel economy. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen.

MAP sensor on a diesel engine

The Banks MAP Spacer Relocation Kit is an attractive, easy way to prevent this oily soot from building on your MAP sensor by relocating it out of the contaminated exhaust stream. The sensor stays clean much longer, resulting in consistent power and fuel economy. The small billet devices can be installed in less than 10 minutes and are available for late-model GM, Ford, and RAM 6-liter Diesels.