Hurricane Diesel Performance
After getting burnt out working for diesel shops in his area, Kyle Mongan decided to give it a shot and go out on his own. Using money from his savings account, he opened Hurricane Diesel Performance (HDP) in 2014 at the very young age of 21. Starting out with just a toolbox and a couple of lifts and 6 years later HDP has gone from a one-man shop to employing 7 technicians.

His high-volume shop often has 20 to 80 trucks at a time, while current repair orders can be 100 a week. Kyle’s HDP takes the same precision care doing routine maintenance that they use to create complex diesel drag builds, because to them the attention to detail and dependability of the workmanship is no different. “We do a lot of repairs here,” says Kyle, “but we also do a ton of tuners, intakes and such. Banks products are a good part of what we offer to our customers. We also can do fully-built engines, compound turbo upgrades and stuff like that easily.”
Having so many vehicles to work on calls for an expansion, and as such Kyle is looking to gobble up the business next door to expand his location. On par with expansion of the business, but in the direction of offering diesels for sale rather than serving, last year saw the opening of a sister company to Hurricane Diesel Performance called Diesel Alliance Trucks which is Kyle’s dealership that sells reconditioned diesel trucks. “We were tired of people bringing in trucks for inspection from dealerships and them buying these lemons and stuff like that. I said, ‘screw it… let’s go get our dealership license.’ So, we did that and got trucks, going throughout them completely and fixing what needed to be fixed or upgraded parts. We’ve been pretty successful with doing that.”

Between Kyle’s two places you can either get your ride fixed or upgraded… or just buy a quality used truck that has been exercised of any demons by people who know diesels. Either way, Kyle has you covered.
Hurricane Diesel Performance
Diesel Alliance Trucks
17204 E. Sprague Ave.
Spokane Valley, WA 99016
(509) 999-9604