Haller’s Repair
Jim Haller, Owner
Jim Haller worked a 9 to 5 job, and in his spare time did construction and built hotrods. When the company he worked for had financial woes in the early 80’s due to the recession he decided to get a little building and work for himself. Jim opened his first location in March of 1983, and within three years he had outgrown that location and needed more room. In 1992 he moved into a structure that was 6,000 square feet larger, and in 1996 he took over the entire property. Growing even more in 2004 Jim bought the adjacent property repurposing it, adding more lifts and a dyno in the process, becoming the powerhouse repair facility Haller’s Repair is today.

Located at the crossroads of interstate 25 and i80, Jim’s place inconveniently located with a ton of truck and motorhome traffic coming and going. Haller’s has all the equipment, diagnostic tools, and knowhow to service virtually anything on wheels. In addition to being as Jim puts it a “do everything automotive and truck repair shop”, Haller’s maintains fleets, buses, military vehicles and builds powerful trucks that have competed and won events including the Diesel Power Challenge.

Haller’s has been a Banks dealer since 1985 when the Sidewinder 6.9-liter turbo kit came out and has trusted in Banks since. “It’s a great line of products,” says Jim, “and I’ve trusted in the line almost as long as I have been open.”

Jim Haller has built quite a do-all mega-repair shop. “My shop has a great reputation, and customers tend to make vacation plans around repairing their motorhomes.” Once Jim is done with a vehicle the customer can hit the road in total confidence, be it motorhome, car, or truck. Word to the wise: call ahead, because regardless of the size of Haller’s Repair Jim’s place stays pretty busy.
Haller’s Repair
521 W Lincoln Way
Cheyenne, WY 82001-4325
(307) 778-8880