Electronics Made in the USA

Not all electronics are made in China! In fact, Banks electronics are designed in Azusa, California, and assembled just five miles away in Monrovia, California. But it’s not just consumer electronics that are made in the Golden State—our test equipment is, too! 

Banks Power electronics manufacturing

Our Electrical Engineers design and build robust test equipment to evaluate every unit before they’re shipped to customers. In other words, our team makes the soup and the nuts. We don’t rely on a third party to tell us that our devices are working as expected. We build test rigs to prove it.

Banks Power electronics manufacturing

Bank electronics undergo more rigorous tests than they’re likely to experience in the field. In addition to running through software, firmware, and component-level electronic tests, devices are subjected to physical extremes like hot and cold temperatures using our environmental chamber. Whether you live in Fairbanks, Alaska or Phoenix, Arizona, Banks electronics will take your punishment with a smile.