Real Mechanics Choose Monster-Ram

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Dave Bell and sons Miles and Joey recently sat down in front of the camera to answer questions from their YouTube fans. The charismatic owners of the respected Centerville, Utah, repair shop don’t sugarcoat the truth. Such is the case when a viewer asks if the Banks Monster-Ram intake system is worth its price tag. 

“100%,” says Dave without pausing. “Let me tell you, there’s two things an engine needs. It’s gotta have good air coming in to mix with the fuel.” I think a lot of people have a conception about Diesels,” adds Joey. “They think they can just throw a bunch of fuel at it, and let’s blow some black smoke.” “Gale Banks does a better job explaining why that’s just a waste of money and damaging to your engine,” Dave stays sternly. “You build up soot that degrades the oil.”

Watch Miles explain why he installed the Monster-Ram in his own RAM 6.7L.