Harley guys quote Gale on backpressure
DK Custom Products recently posted a video exonerating themselves and educating those who seem to have argued with them in the past about backpressure. As part of their proof, they cite clips of a video of Gale Banks. Dwayne and Kevin go over data collected by Gale during the Killing A Duramax series. They chuckle over Gale’s infamous soundbite, “This is proof that you can find horsepower by changing a tailpipe. Come on children quit with this ‘the tailpipe doesn’t matter’ bullsh—t, ok?!”

Kevin explains, “Gale is saying the same thing that we’ve been saying for years! If you can increase the exhaust gas velocity, reduce the backpressure, and get rid of reversion, then that increases power!” Dwayne follows with, “It’s crazy how much push-back we get when we say that backpressure is bad. If you can reduce backpressure in the tailpipe that goes all the way back to the cylinder, reducing pressure when that piston rises up the bore. And if you can reduce pressure there, you’re going to liberate horsepower.”

“Backpressure is pressure,” says Kevin. You’re making the engine fight against itself!” “Gale’s knowledge is second to none,” adds Dwayne. “If you’re going to argue with us in the comments, you’re arguing with Gale Banks! The faster you can cycle that exhaust gas out of there, the more efficient it’s going to be overall and that’s going to result in more power overall. It needs to scavenge out of there, and if you don’t believe me hear it from the man himself.” You can see Gale’s complete video here.