Engineering Unboxed: Vibratech TVD
Gale Banks explains how this unique Fluidampr viscous damper from Vibratech TVD will help prevent breaking crankshafts on high RPM, high horsepower engines. Vibratech is a family-owned business and a leader in torsional viscous damper design and development for the engines that power our global economy.
Gale applies science to what he needs from this damper. The damper was custom-made for our project to help us push the L5P Duramax from 2800 HP to 3800 HP. This will be driving the custom Whipple Gale is having made.
You may be wondering what does this do? Well, it damps vibrations that are put into the crankshaft by the firing of the engine. Gale gets out a crankshaft to further demonstrate how the Vibratech TVD damper works.
Additionally, Gale discusses the difference between the solid mass vs. the viscous damper. Watch the video to see the difference and how the viscous damper limits the vibrations.

On the Next Episode
Gale Banks explains why turbo insulation and exhaust systems can be very important to both the performance and safety of the surrounding equipment. We reached out to Heatshield Products to help with both our Duramax L5P in the Killing A Duramax series and the supercharged twin-turbo Duramax monster truck engine.