CoolRunner with Rainman Ray
Full Video Transcript
0:00ah man after after that Ranger Fiasco I don’t know if this thing right
0:06here is like a blessing in disguise or if my punishment continues I got a 2023
0:11GMC Denali it’s the HD she’s a 2500 with
0:17the 66 l5p Duramax this right here is a bad unit of a truck it’s the uh the
0:23older or the younger brother of uh of my Silverado this is the new generation
0:29unit and my guy here let me squeeze in this unit nice truck these are what I
0:35used to work on at the dealership there we go the my fella here has brought me a a
0:43boatload of uh of Go Fast goodies for this truck a lot of banks Parts is what I understand and one of the parts I
0:49believe is a engine oil pan so I think what we’re going to do is we’re going
0:54nose are in right over there we’re going to crawl under and I’m going to see if I’m going to be able to replace this
1:00soil pan uh on the ground ideally I wanted to change it on the four poost uh
1:05four poost lift but it has yet to be installed it’s supposed to be installed in a I think next week or so so I may
1:10have to do this work on the ground so let’s fire it up begin engine starting
1:17sequence it did it all by itself I just touched the button and fired right up nice unit with 23,87350
1:29a new truck it would be one of these trucks check this out the rear view mirror is a screen or it’s actually I see you or
1:37it’s actually a mirror so you flip it and it uses the camera out back to project the rear view on the digital
1:44display super fancy we got Justin shuffling around that Dodge right there
1:50he just put in a very nice stereo system it was so nice we had to configure it by
1:55programming a module to tell the radio system what V was in because the radio
2:01integrates with OBD2 and utilizes some of the OBD functions this technology is
2:06getting crazy these days we got radios talking to the car’s
2:11computers stock power we can’t have that let’s go ahead and just fire that up for
2:18later there we go that’s what we’re looking for track mode level 10 ha all
2:23right guys no more messing around Let’s uh let’s get this unit into the shop get it fired up or get it racked up ish
2:29ready to roll hings the [Music]
2:37hood here’s our brake rotor there was our brake
2:48rotor all right we’re nosing her on in right here and according to the uh
2:53overhead camera we are just inside of the bay doors right there little close
2:59to the the rack on the left but we’re not really using it but we can kind of cut her over some straighten it out that
3:06looks good now look at that fancy technology turn the steering wheel and the projected path time
3:13clock the projected path of the vehicle that turns with it on the screen the
3:19question is do we use the screen to drive or do we drive by using our eyeballs and looking outside like we’re
3:26starting to blur the line between reality and uh in virtual reality that’s that’s kind of
3:33scary AI is going to be a problem later on I tell you what I need to know how Skynet gets built who’s responsible
3:40powering down so we have some some goodies on this particular truck let
3:45popping iny hood here one of which is a engine oil pan
3:51and I think there’s a couple other goodies that they wanted installed not those not the dog boxes maybe it’s in
3:59here o super fancy yep yep there’s my boxes
4:06of goodies all what do we have in here flip metal something something I
4:11need to and open them up got a m oil oil bypass filter kit looks like we
4:17have don’t know what that is yeah let’s uh let’s get this stuff unpacked and unboxed and we’ll see what we have to
4:23play with in here this is a nice truck this is a nice truck
4:30I I mean I like my truck too but this this thing right here this is a nice truck got some Rotella T6 we’re going to
4:36need that yep yep there she is there’s our pan that’s what I thought check this
4:42unit out that’s the lower engine oil pan for the DX’s Gail Banks did a took a
4:49closer look at the factory pan and you guys see how how the drain plug is flush
4:54with the bottom of this pan right here see that well what happens on the factory pan is they will weld like a nut
5:01inside of here and that nut keeps the pan from emptying out all the way the stock pen has that protruding weld nut
5:07that traps about an inch of dirty oil the bank’s cool runner has a magnetic drain plug that threads in at the lowest
5:13point well what Gail Banks did is he took down the factory pan and they measured how much oil was left over and
5:19I believe there was right around one entire quart of engine oil that was left over after removing the drain
5:26plug I think disturbing is the right for this disturbingly large amount of oil I
5:32guess when it comes to Gil Banks’s uh interpretation of engineering uh good enough just is not good enough it’s got
5:38to be perfect and that’s what we have here we have engineered Perfection for this l5p
5:45Duramax so Dave’s over here and I walk by this thing to go get a box opener and
5:50he goes hey now you got to now you get to work on something good and I looked at him and I said it’s here for an oil
5:56pan and he his face just kind of went blank like oh you just got yeah whoops
6:02you just got done getting wrecked by an oil pan I’m about to do it again that’s how it goes man stuff comes in threes
6:08and you just got to not really you have to not be upset over it that’s just how that how that works you
6:14can you can dread doing a similar job another time and then you’re going to be in a bad
6:19mood all day or we can uh we can just accept Our Fate as
6:25Mortals and we uh we move on I’m going to choose option
6:30be I realized I could have done better with a better box opener plus it’s a really good box yeah look it’s stapled
6:37look what they did it put Staples in it and you
6:43guys woo the direction said open from bottom side watch
6:49it there we now we’re in what’s in here we have oh I know what this is it’s
6:58an intake horn that’s a ram a intake horn yeah baby that’s nice shiny cool
7:07beans all right we can get to that and the Boost pipes later uh I don’t want to do the hard stuff first which is going
7:12to be this oil pan so I’m have to do this on the ground which is going to be unfortunate let’s go down below and take
7:18a gander at the uh the factory pan right quick okay so before we get digging into
7:24it let us take a peek in the engine compartment here 66
7:30derama Max this is the l5p it’s the new
7:35one nice vehicle there a lot going on under here a lot let’s get started uh
7:42let’s go down below I’m going grab an oil drain throw it down there we’re going to crack drain plug loose and get the oil out of it let that drain uh I’ve
7:48got to take a crossmember out and then we just have a bunch of bolts and a lot of maneuvering um so let’s get after it
7:54got 3 or 4 hours of work to do down here on the drain bucket let’s get that plug
7:59out of the pan let this ride now since we’re doing
8:05a oil pan job it would be to my advantage to note
8:11that I have located some oil leaks prior to
8:16beginning this job this is a cya kind of moment now keep in mind this vehicle is
8:23still fully covered under powertrain warranty so what we need to be doing here is establishing
8:29that that oil right there see that on the bottom of the transmission we need to establish that
8:36that oil was there prior to this oil pan installation see that right
8:41there and we also need to establish
8:46that let me show you guys see that oil pressure sending
8:52switch right there she is right there see that guy we need to establish that
8:57that is leaking engine oil prior to this repair that way when my
9:03guy takes this back to a dealership to get some warranty work on it they don’t get to blame the uh the banks oil pan
9:10for being the cause of said leak I I believe it’s the rear main seal leaking out of it cuz we’re leaking back here so
9:15we may ultimately have two engine oil leaks so anyway I’m going to let this thing drain out what we need to do to
9:22complete this job is remove this skid plate right here remove this cross
9:28member right here and then remove all the oil pan bolts and then maneuver that pan down
9:36and out I I do not think I have to remove the front axle which is good because if I got to pull this thing out
9:42on the ground um it’s going to be a a no-o job for me that would that would be unfortunate but for 3 hours worth of
9:49Labor I think I can do it in six laying on the ground so I’m going to give it a shot uh next up I’m going to go ahead
9:55and grab a 15 mil and start pulling the bolts out for these good plates here
10:01while that thing
10:19drains okay that’s one side of the plate take the bolts stick them over there
10:25crawl back under there should be a couple more 15s way way out back here the flashlights in my face can’t do
10:33that not okay and my phone has a stigmatism you guys see the lights
10:40uh that glare off the [Music]
10:51lights when you see that at night that means you have a signs of a stigmatism
10:56on your eyeballs
11:01this is a metal skid panel no wonder it’s loud it’s way it’s crushing down on
11:10me okay so we are we’re done draining here now the claim to fame on this
11:19bank’s oil pan again is that this Factory pan is going to hold an extra
11:25quart of oil after the plug has been removed so what I shall do
11:30is we’re going to put this plug back in finger click and when I take the pan out
11:35we’re going to measure how much oil is left in it we’re going to basically do the same experiment that Gail did and we’re going
11:43to verify those results now I got to pull all these 10 ms out which is going
11:48to be fun I’m going to pull those sporadically uh The Next Step here is to
11:53get those transmission lines loose so I can move them around and again we’ve got to get this crossmember out of here so
12:00I’m going to be in and out up and down uh the uh the filming on this is going to be inconsistent I’m just going to
12:06start pulling Fasteners and components as I’m near them uh there
12:12won’t be any Rhyme or Reason to it because again I’m I’m rolling around in the dirt here so this is a it’s a
12:19difficult install with a lift and I don’t even have a lift so I’m
12:25making a difficult job more difficult ter if this was an upper pan cuz we’re just doing the lower if this was the
12:32upper pan this would be a nogo for on the ground but I think I can pull it off okay let’s get some nuts
12:41off a GM frame
12:47wax GM doesn’t paint their frames they put this wax on there and then when you
12:53touch it you get gooey frame wax everywhere these bolts are spinning so I
12:58got to hold them from the back side here see rolling around crawling
13:06around playing in the dirt
13:26around slippage at least it’s not Rusty
13:47right okay that one’s coming out good we move over to that other side there we
13:54got to go off to the passenger side
14:04see if I can do this there’s a bunch of water on the floor man I’m about to start rolling through
14:10water diesel oil and [Music]
14:18water right what you say
14:29my abdominals are feeling this one [Music]
14:38today comes in waves guys oil pan
14:47week at least I don’t have to sace all the exhaust off of this one we’re going to call that a
14:54win okay got my nuts and bolts
15:05yeah I’ll be putting that back in with a floor jack or something cuz they uh it’s in there kind
15:19tight what are you doing fixing trucks I’m wondering why I
15:26agree to do things at all I’m just I’m down here trying to
15:31get a bracket for a transmission cooler line off so I can take an oil pan off on the ground which is not how you’re
15:38supposed to do this so I don’t know what I’m doing I’m just doing it it it I don’t want to and the only way to get
15:45around having it be over with is to just do it and get it over with so I’m just
15:51I’m in the stck I’m in oil pan suck oh you love your job I
15:57mean yeah but I mean I guess it’s all right cuz I
16:03can lay down down here and nobody bothers me I guess but except you find except you you’re you’re pretty you can
16:10bother me if you want to yeah I’m just trying to get a nut off that’s all I’m doing down here and it’s it’s a long one
16:17and I can’t get it keep trying I’m try you’ll get it I am I’m get my arms are
16:22getting tired I’ll get yeah got it it was a little one but I got it
16:30two more to go got three nuts total for these bracket
16:36trees freaking thing yeah more
16:43nuts this you’re doing good you’re doing good I’m here for moral support I appreciate your support cuz I couldn’t
16:50do anything without you a oh for real remember when you met me yeah I would
16:56put a pizza in the oven then go to go to sleep and burn the house down it’s amazing I’m still alive I appreciate you
17:04so much darling you’re the best that was a 13 I need to yeah I
17:11think it’s a 13 it better be it’s far away and I got to reach it hope it’s 13 W who’s touching my leg who oh it’s dog
17:20hello puppies just making sure you’re all
17:25right where’ you go where’s she going there you are oh
17:32there’s Kane hi
17:39puppy here come get him come get him
17:47video I’m back 15 hey yeah can I get a
17:53can I get a 15 mm 38 socket shallow drive with a ratchet to go with it sure
17:59yeah thank you love you see later love you yeah it’s a kind of no joke down
18:04here there’s there’s lots of stuff to take off to get the stuff to come off you got to get rid of that little bolt
18:11there it’s a 15 then I can get that 10 nut behind it to get these lines right
18:16here loose we’re sitting on the axle right now chilling I got some of the pan bolts out but there’s some of them
18:22hiding over here that’s one small victory for a
18:28single man one giant leap for
18:34mankind now it’s Le yeah what is it a Rod’s hollered at me hold on coming
18:41out dude creeping
18:46around here old pen I’ll be back for you in a second Aaron what it is
18:55man oh woo
19:00hey Katie yo what’s good cannot believe what these
19:07new trucks got hooked up he what’s in here he can control his Banks pedal monster dude to
19:15the infotainer no way bro seriously is that crazy or what D they hooked it up
19:23let me see that look at that yeah get out no way that’s cool I
19:29thought I was snazzy having the little button on my eye Dash this is that’s how you know we’re getting up there man
19:35because our 20e old trucks they’ve got some old technology in
19:41them I know I know it’s I just I don’t want a computer car that’s all I just
19:47I’m good with that that’s that’s something though nice F350 Platinum yeah
19:52that’s a that’s 67 that’s Ford’s uh counterpart to that
19:5766 we got over there take a look at that
20:04one and we’ll come over here take a look at that one that’s our
20:11first ever like compare between both platforms at the same time too bad this one’s not running we can get a sound
20:17difference check on it uh anyway I’m going back in I got stuff to do okay
20:22squeezing myself back under here what’s next is I need to get my hat so I’m not
20:28caking diesel stuff into my hair follicles a
20:33really nice hat available on the merch shelf down below Shamel self-promotion you guys if you empathize with the agony
20:39that I’m going through today uh you can show your support by buying a hat from me I got a lot of hats for sale just
20:46check down below this video and you’ll find a there’s a merchandise shelf and if you scroll through it you can find my
20:52hat just off to the right a little bit anyway I’m going to pull out the uh the rest of these pan bolts I guess um I
21:00might need to take this bracket loose right here also but I’m going to go ahead and get uh get this stuff out of
21:06the way we’ll get these pan bolts out and then pry this thing off of the upper oil pan it’s a it’s glued on with a
21:13sealant so I’m going to have to break the seal and get it to come apart but
21:18yeah let me get these bolts out first I’ll be right back you guys don’t go anywhere unless you buy a hat yeah I’m
21:23in here kind of working these bolts a little bit let’s get that guy I got most
21:29of them out already I have most of them out grammar just one at a
21:37time another one over there this is why we like our wobbly bits and get into those hard to reach
21:44places like above the [Music]
21:49axle wobbly gravity see if I can’t that one’s coming out manually I guess I
21:55can’t uh can’t get a gun on that one hm okay at this point I believe all
22:02engine oil pan perimeter Fasteners have been removed I got them all out so now
22:08what I need to do is get between the upper pan and oil pan kind of pry these apart break the sealant seal and we can
22:17uh maneuver this pan out and down and then we’re good so hopefully I don’t have to pull the engine on this one cuz
22:23that would suck okay couple hours later and I got the pan starting to separate
22:30from the upper pan here’s how I did it see that little J hook right there took that J hook once I got the pry bar in
22:38enough to get under the pan with that J hook that’s for a battery it’s a battery hold down J hook and then I took this
22:44piece of uh angle iron bolted the J hook to the angle iron
22:50ran the nut down and used that J hook to pull down on this pan so now I can get
22:57under it with that curve angular pry bar right here and finish the separation uh
23:04of this sealant so I’m going to bring you guys
23:09around right here for the for the good part this is the last of
23:14the of the seal crackles I guess a little delirious with
23:22aggravation but we’re going to going to get you guys
23:28seeing the final result here oh look we came off my J hook so it came down enough to kind of fully break loose I
23:35might need to like redo that J hook and use it again to pull it the rest of the way it was uh somewhat effective in this
23:43little situation here just a little bit at a
23:50time snap crackle pop you hear that here she comes Aaron comes down
23:57here and he’s like hey hey did you get all the bolts out like dude shut up go
24:05away yeah that is a lower oil pan woo
24:11freaking hours of Anguish and I’m going to have to drop down the axle to get it out
24:18probably oh fun time to pull the front axle out Ling back in here I’ve got some
24:25some sockets with me we’ve disconnected little motor here for engaging 4×4
24:34lock and we need to lower down this front differential here so I’m
24:41hoping I can just lower it down instead of just like totally unbolting it figure if I can pull these two side bolts out
24:47it may hinge downwards enough to uh clear that oil pan it’s
24:59[Music] there up there yeah anyway yeah it’s a it’s
25:07pretty close I we nearly were able to get it to slide out but this axle’s getting in the way
25:14the instructions do say we have to pull this down but I tempt
25:21fate we put that nut back in so it can’t fall out and smash my Noggin
25:34there we go got a couple inches drop out of that front diff let’s go back and try to wiggle
25:41this pan out next I’m going to I’m going to walk around we’re going to come in from that angle Over Yonder okay
25:48so yep pry bar fell out okay here it comes we have custody of the of the p
25:59now we’re going to see how much oil is left in it due to that design flaw hey a
26:04rod can you uh come down here in the front and grab this oil pan for me front side front side sir front
26:13side there you go just kind of pull that guy out don’t spill it I want to see how
26:21much oil they left in there that’s the flaw on the factory
26:26pan this is why I bought lifts in a shop I don’t know how you mobile guys do it
26:32that’s this is insane so what do we get how much oil is
26:37left in that factory pan that’s quite a bit let’s find some kind of containment
26:43vessel to pour it in a containment vessel a containment vessel that’s what we need here’s one here’s a containment
26:50vessel pour that
27:02we got a half a court about I’d say that’s half a court no couldn’t I yeah about half CT
27:09of oil plus whatever’s clinging to the surface yeah see that the Riser out of
27:15that uh little bung or whatever that they welded in that’s holding half a qut up to a qu of oil fors are the same way
27:22yeah yep okay let’s go back down here again
27:29and Survey the underside of this we can check out that super thin
27:36pan so we can highlight on how to not break it yeah look at that bad boy that
27:42uh that is a very very thin section and if you crack it and break it it’s over
27:48with cuz that’s uh it’s ribbed right here and that’s that’s the upper pan so
27:53be very super careful there’s our oil pickup anything in there nope no sealant
28:01there’s that uh that little sensor right there that’s our level sensor oh how
28:07cute is that we can’t change it without taking the pan off see that it doesn’t just screw into the side it’s got a wire
28:15and then it bolts on over here you guys let’s see anything else to see
28:21around here this bunch of sealant and whatnot which I have to scrape all that off that’s great
28:28all the way around front perimeter the whole Spiel you name it okay I’m going to get to
28:35scraping get all this cleaned up and then we’ll we’ll prep this surface for the new pan to come in all right guys
28:41we’re taking a gander at this from the we’re on the front side I’ve been running around with this uh super
28:48scraper right here Focus you thing got this super scraper it’s just a like a
28:54nice carbide flat tip and I’ve been going through and scraping off all that
28:59sealant everywhere see all that it’s gone most of it’s gone we’re getting there so now I’m moving up towards the
29:07front section here and if I can get my camera angles correct someone’s touching
29:12my leg again who is that is that a p oh come here baby that’s a puppy what you
29:18doing girl come here girl oh you under the truck anyway we got to get the rest
29:24of that stuff scraped off and on the front side here and uh we should be good to go to wipe it off and get it clean
29:30with some cleaner and once that is done I’ll throw some sealant on and we can start
29:40uh getting the new pan in position here yeah doing this for a while right
29:47here just kind of back and forth that’s why I’m not recording every single second of this because this is a lot of
29:53uh mundane boredom stuff that we’re doing just keep
30:14scraping Banks gave us a all new looks like stainless steel Hardware to secure
30:20this is the banks drain plug for the bottom of this pan and there should be
30:26another plug in there somewhere because there’s a provision in this pan to install a uh an oil temperature sensor
30:33so you can tell your your eye G ey Dash will display the temp uh they gave us
30:41some three Bond sealant so this is the RTV that we’re going to seal it with and generously enough they also gave us the
30:47caulking gun to uh install said sealant which is super cool thanks guys man I I
30:54clearly underestimated the consider ation that the team at Banks power put into this
31:01because they provided the J Tool there’s a dealership named jtool it’s called a
31:08uh like a sealant cutter they provided the jtool with the kit and I never
31:14unboxed it enough to look uh I just I kind of did that the hard way down there
31:19this is this tool is made to separate that sealant in there you get it like right in here and just kind of tap it in
31:26and they got a little uh little metal thing on here I guess so you can work it with a little bit of Leverage uh maybe that would have helped
31:33me out maybe it would have made it harder um I did it the hard way I guess I got a thing for that but now I have a
31:39new J Tool so next time I take one of these off kind of won’t matter because I’ll have another pan set to go with it
31:45so I guess I’m going to be collecting those in the future I’m I’m I’m remarkably embarrassed like Aaron’s over
31:50here snickering at me he just walked away he was over here there I see your head over there he was over here
31:56snickering at me just like ah yeah it happens to us man I I’m embarrassed you guys I I uh I screwed the pooch on that
32:05I mean I don’t know it was it was hard regardless whether that tool was here or not this was this was difficult however
32:12uh the use of that tool would have been a mitigating Factor uh
32:18should I uh I pose a risk of breaking something oh look what else Banks
32:23included they gave me a new 15 mm bolt for the
32:30uh for the bell housing and the transmission uh one of these bolts they say you have to remove the bolt halfway
32:38to get the clearance for the old pan to drop down um this is either a torque to yield yield bolt so it’s a onetime use
32:44only or uh this one is going to be shorter than the one that uh that originally came out of it but again um
32:51consideration from the banks team they they gave us the necessary hardware and
32:56uh and ceiling and tools to do the job properly so I
33:02just did the job improperly yay for me so we are not going to be installing a
33:09temperature sensor for the ID Dash integration at this time so I
33:15will just uh install this little plug it came with sealant on it or threadlock rather maybe it’s thread loock and
33:22sealant we’re going to go ahead and just put that guy in the side of the pan right there
33:29and get it locked down then we’ll go ahead and get the sealant in in position and we’ll
33:36maneuver this unit into its new permanent home which is going to be nice cuz I’d like to uh like to get her done
33:43I have uh I have all the sealant cleaned off the bottom of the upper oil pan now it is pretty much prepped and ready to
33:50rock and roll so we need to throw sealant on this unit here get it in position Bolter
34:01in and then we’re good to go I am so mortified at the
34:06error that I just caused or experienced it’s my own dumb
34:13self so you think you know what you’re doing then you open the box and find out that you don’t know what you’re doing I
34:19I did actually call the part store too to see if they had one of these cuz I was getting frustrated anyway there’s our drain pant oh look at that it’s
34:27laser are etched banks on it see that right there that’s nice little details
34:32here we’re going to snip this off there’s our sealant poking through so
34:38now take the business end here connect it don’t need to cut that
34:44off it’s already it’s already opened let’s go ahead and load it
34:51tactical tap it rack it let’s give it a couple squeezes here and it’s going to start to push
34:58that sealant into the
35:04cone reset next squeeze all right now there’s probably
35:10just enough in here to do this
35:16so let’s rock and roll here steady
35:41I got
35:54fast okay let’s get down back back in
36:00our our work area down here push that in
36:06position going in with some more towels too we got to give the bottom of that
36:11pan one more wipe cuz there’s some oil starting to drip I think that’s coming out of the back side of the
36:18motor stick this thing way up in there there we
36:25go where were we dripping from
36:30I think it’s just coming out of the out of the pickup right there that’s fine okay you remember that bolt I was
36:36telling you about that’s that’s this guy right here it was sticking out and it
36:42encroaches over the uh the old oil pan and there’s where
36:49that drip was it’s dripping on the Block okay I’m still down here rolling around
36:56guys trying to figure out how to had to get my right in my right mind to pull this
37:05off put that right there get rid of
37:13that okay I’m trying to figure out if I want to do this on my back or my
37:19belly probably going to have to knock you guys over and then knock over my
37:24flashlight yeah oh man I I’m I’m over here just
37:30like rolling around under here trying to just get the right position to sit in
37:36you’re rolling around up there aren’t you a rod yeah these aren’t the funnest things to work on it’s a scientific
37:45fumatic okay one more good
37:51wipe at the back of the block so those dripp ages don’t come down and mess me
37:57up I don’t want oil on my sealant surface rest of that’s
38:06wiped all right one bolt holding up the whole
38:12operation that’s how it goes
38:55okay all right that’s not working you guys come over
39:00here we have to negotiate these transmission
39:26lines for
40:07[Music] it’s not the way the other one came out
40:12other one came out a little easier than this all right clock’s ticking see me
40:19pull this axle down some couple more bolts on that other side okay I pulled uh pulled that front dip down a little
40:25bit more so we’re going to try again hey figure out how I can fit everybody in
40:31here there’s a whole bunch of you guys here watching so I need to squeeze you in squeeze me in drop you on the floor
40:39and then squeeze the pan in at the same time under pressure
41:01[Music] there it’s going to go in now I got it got the space I think I was looking
41:08for the space you’re looking [Applause]
41:19for farted okay it’s it’s in its spot
41:27it’s in its spot now it’s out of its spot uh I need some
41:37bolts sorry folks I can’t stop to uh talk to you
41:42right now need to get these bolt in
41:51now we’ll take a look at it in a second but I I need to get these in now like
41:57right now
42:03immediately I got one in me too are you on that intake horn I’m
42:10getting the last B for the AC oh gorgeous all right these guys ain’t no joke than both
42:18at the same time I know oh you got banked also yeah we’re getting we’re getting
42:24like wrecked by our favorite performance parts that’s fine now okay so I got a bolt in
42:31here and a bolt in here let’s get one in thinking on this side over
42:43here that one’s in all right oh
42:54gun there we go there we go there we go there we go sh yeah
43:03buddy okay sweet there’s couple of them going Let’s uh let me thread the rest of
43:08these bad boys in and we’ll go through and get them all tight I’m going to put the phone down
43:15I’ll see you guys when I got all these Fasteners installed okay don’t go anywhere Justin are you here yeah can you go uh go to that front of that floor
43:21jack right there you on that floor jack I have uh I got this ax already to go
43:27back up but I need to pull it back towards me can you drive that floor jack and give me a little bit of up uh push
43:33the floor jack in towards push the whole thing towards me too a little bit okay give it up go up
43:41some wow what are you doing is it
43:47moving all right let it down let it down let it down we’re off center go
43:53down you’re it’s not going to fall or anything just go ahead and let it down go yeah there you go okay go back
44:07up trying to get this hole lined up
44:20stop we go three
44:26bolts three nuts fourth bolt a little
44:31bolt okay oh my abs are definitely feeling this
44:40one get in there you that’s what I thought that’s what I
44:45thought you were going to do going to do what I say you’re going to do or fall back in
45:11there there well it’s kind of off the ground
45:17so come over here
45:27[Music] I’m still fighting with it
45:48yeah there we
45:53go where’s that other nut short one
45:59n around here somewhere couldn’t go
46:10far through
46:20there okay yeah I don’t know where that other nut went so far it’s around
46:25here yeah flashlights dead I need
46:31you gravity he I got it I found it it was
46:36kind of far up front but I got it I know puppies we’re going puppies are they’re
46:43ready to ride we’re done here or they’re done here I’m not done yet I want to I
46:48need to get to a good stopping point [Music]
47:08tight yeah that one let’s get those other two right over
47:15there you guys can’t see very well I’m really sorry about the the filming business
47:23here there how about that now we’re aimed properly you guys probably been staring at the back of my head all day
47:29for all I know speaking of the back of my head I know it’s caked in diesel oil I need a
47:37bath I’m nasty dirty nasty
47:48technician okay yeah crossmember crossmembers in
47:55there axle’s bolted on pan is in drain plug’s in it’s not tight I got to to put
48:03some torque on that that Bolt’s not tight wonder if it’s a 15 if it is I have one
48:10handy speaking of 15s that Bolt’s got to be replaced with the one that Banks gave
48:22us there’s an o-ring on that too don’t tighten the Daylights out of it it click
48:29that’s it all right I’m going to get out of here and stretch my legs a little bit
48:36this is fun all right back up top we’re on our
48:41third gallon of engine oil My Guy brought us a some Shell Rotella it’s the
48:48T6 fully synthesized that’s what he’s been running and that’s what he’s going to stick with I gave him a hard time about
48:54not running Amo but just a little bit just just a wee little bit anyway that’s
49:00uh what I got in there 12 quarts sure let’s check the level real quick I I did
49:06change the filter too it’s got a new filter in it you guys didn’t see that but it’s there sure let’s see we
49:14have yeah top of the crosshatches right there that’s enough to enough to fire it up and get a level
49:21check we’re going to have to add some more though cuz that pan is extra capacity and the filter that I put on as
49:27extra capacity as well so with the exception so with the exception of the
49:33so with the skids panels I think uh I think this thing’s about finished on my
49:38end A-Rod did some some turbo work on it he changed out this Inlet pipe right here really nice unit and he put on some
49:44banks uh Hot Side intercooler pipes over there I I still or that’s the cold side I’m sorry I still have the hot side part
49:51to do but uh I’m going have to get around to that in a minute uh so I do need to fire this thing up and give it
49:57like an oil leak check would you do the honors to hop into this uh very nice 2024 GMC and uh push a little button to
50:05start the engine should I push my foot on the brake yeah you got to put your foot on the brake definitely start the engine yeah you got to starting the
50:12engine yeah go ahe and fire it up it’s super duper fancy it’s got nice stuff on
50:18it left key in vehicle yes yeah you don’t need a key just just uh just push
50:24a button there uh button button over there you ready ready yep go ahead and
50:31fire it
50:43up Isn’t it nice got oil pressure in here yet yep sure
50:49do very good let’s go back down below real quick give it a leak
50:55check there we
51:23go that’s good
51:32looking good over
51:38here yeah all right I’d say we’re good here yep let’s climb on out I think
51:44we’re all set oh oh danger look there’s a door above me hey will you pull that
51:50door shut some so I can climb out of here thank you dear woo rolling Brown in
51:57the dirt laying with brand new trucks oh you look great you think you need one of those I think I need one new
52:02I can’t I can’t get you one of these it’s a Ford no it’s not that’s a that’s a Denali it’s GMC oh oh even better
52:09Denali I thought I was in the for that Denali named after Mount
52:16McKinley I’m fired no no no for real though I can’t get you one of these because the whole the whole premise on
52:21me building this is it’s built not bought and if I go out and buy one of these trucks TR it it it’s going to be a
52:28competitor to that truck and that means that I violated my will by buying a
52:33truck instead of building a truck so unfortunately and the other problem is here’s the other problem see uh this is
52:40badged as an uh as an Allison Transmission right it’s not really an
52:46Allison so that uh GM just has the they have the licensing rights to put Allison
52:52on the transmission because all the Duramax owners of all times bought it for
52:57Allison’s and since it has a fake Allison we feel cheated and deceived and
53:04lied to by General Motors Corporation therefore I will never be purchasing a
53:10fake Allison GMC they’re super nice and I love the l5p it’s a nice engine but
53:15I’m not I’m not buying one of their fake rebadge cars not going to do it I’m uh I’m more concerned about um the
53:22Aesthetics and the how beautiful it is in here and comfortable are really comfortable I I I could care less about
53:28like the the mechanics yeah job yeah I like the uh how much you think that
53:34radio is going to cost you when it quits working yeah it’s like how much is uh how much is that screen going to cost
53:42you when it quits working you know how much the wireless cell phone charger that’s integrated into this uh this
53:48 little cover right here is going to cost you when they break 10,000 it’s about $700 for a lid for your uh your glove
53:55 box door when the wireless sell cell phone charger brakes that’s cool going yeah it’s pretty it’s nice you know what
54:00 I think this is better though I like the bank stuff better than this stuff that’s analog that’s reliable there’s wires run
54:07 for this stuff here this right here yeah I mean I guess it’s cool
54:13 but it’s just I don’t know maybe I’m just getting old I think you’re oldfashioned you know how um our parents
54:19 were like the new age stuff the new age yeah these cassette players and kids don’t know with your CDs and your
54:28 iPod hey hey go ahead and uh go ahead and shut her down if you would please babe thank
54:42 you same
There aren’t many mechanics as fun to watch as Ranman Ray. In his latest adventure, he installs a new Banks CoolRunner Oil Pan in a 2023 GMC Denali Duramax. But because the two-post lift was occupied, he was left with no choice but to do it on his back. During the installation, he shares some insightful, and sometimes humorous commentary showing off the things that set the CoolRunner apart from the stock, namely, its ability to drain all of the fluid, unlike the stock Allison pan.

Thanks to the deep FlowThru Fins, the system rejects more heat and reduces aeration better than stock and all competitors. Two additional quarts of oil help to stretch out service intervals. And, unlike stock, the CoolRunner allows all fluid to drain during oil changes, as Ray shows in the video.

The CoolRunner Oil Pan includes everything that you’ll need to perform a successful installation including all hardware, RTV sealant and applicator gun, and an oil pan separator tool, which Ray didn’t find until after he’s already removed the stock pan.