97696 Banks PedalMonster with iDash and Derringer

1. If using Derringer, 4-Channel, or other Banks Bus modules, the PedalMonster will serve as the connecting hub between the modules and the iDash.
Connect the Banks Bus Starter Cable from the Derringer or 4-Channel modules directly to the PedalMonster.
If using Derringer, 4-Channel, or other Banks Bus modules, the PedalMonster will serve as the connecting hub between the modules and the iDash. Connect the Banks Bus Starter Cable from the Derringer or 4-Channel modules directly to the PedalMonster.
If adding a PedalMonster to an existing Derringer/iDash system, unplug the 6-pin Starter Cable from the back of the iDash, route it to the PedalMonster and connect it to either of the 6-pin ports.
2. Connect the 6-Pin Female Banks Bus cable (supplied with the kit) from the PedalMonster module to the iDash.
3. Connect the OBD-II Cable from the vehicle’s OBD-II port to iDash’s 4-pin port.
Do not secure the PedalMonster yet. You’ll need access to the recessed Bluetooth pairing button on the back.