Innovation Improves Trans Life
Full video Transcript
00:00 trans temp is your enemy chances are
00:03 your transmission and torque converter
00:05 are living life on the edge taking a
00:08 look at the banks Ram a transpan for the
00:10 Allison 56 and 10speed there’s something
00:13 about the thermal path from the fluid to
00:16 the air that I want you to see something
00:19 we’ve done here fins connect from the
00:21 inside to the outside so there’s a
00:24 direct heat path this is the key element
00:27 it’s the ramir scoop you’ll see how the
00:30 air is gathered up by the scoop here’s
00:33 the actual flow area through you can see
00:35 these fins angling down and this surface
00:38 angling up we’re through the front wall
00:40 of the pan we’re traveling down and now
00:43 we’re at maximum density stop right
00:46 there please you can see the compression
00:49 or actually feel the velocity increase
00:51 at least I can thinking like air
00:53 molecule there’s the final cross-section
00:56 right there you see the flow through
00:57 fins you see the reduction and
01:00 cross-sectional area the air is densely
01:02 packed it’s scrubbing the fins literally
01:06 you’ve compressed it more air molecules
01:08 per cubic foot air density is increased
01:11 the velocity is increased and you’re
01:13 scrubbing the surface of the fin with
01:16 those air molecules and pulling thermal
01:19 energy out this is the new banks Ram Air
01:23 transmission pan our latest durability
01:26 tool
To cool fluid in the Allison 1000 5, 6, 10L1000 10-speed and Chrysler 68RFE, we took a different approach than all other aftermarket transmission pan manufacturers. We used airflow to our advantage. Thanks to our patent-pending Ram-Air Scoop, we capture and compress air, forcing it through the FlowThru Fins. The Ram-Air Trans Pan rejects BTUs quicker and more efficiently than any other pan. The result is lower fluid temps and a longer-lasting transmission. Watch Gale explain how we did it.